As I have mentioned before, one of the highlights of my time in India was all of the incredible and interesting families I met along the way, and this is another example. One afternoon I had my camera out of my bag and over my shoulder when a family asked me to take their picture. They wanted me to take the picture with my digital camera, so that they could just see it in the display screen on the back of my camera. I am guessing they didn't own a camera, or a computer, or have email, or any of the electronic conveniences I take for granted each day. For them it was simple, they just wanted to see the picture, if just for a moment. After I took it, other members of their family asked to have their picture taken as well. Before I knew, there was a lined formed of a bunch of people wanting photos. It was part of another amazing day for me.
I loved this picture in particular because the young boy seemed to me to be sweet and cute, and yet at the same time intense and determined. I also loved how his mother was just beaming with joy in the background.